I am so excited to turn 30. Not to get too spiritual here, but I do feel blessed to be able to grow older when I know some of my peers haven’t had the opportunity. Life is strange. It twists, turns, spins, and takes you to places you didn’t know you’d go to. I never thought I’d be 30 working in the field I’m in, and I couldn’t have predicted how my family would change as well. I’m grateful for the friends that have come and gone and stayed. Some people who came into my life were here to teach me some valuable lessons. Some have stuck around and have been incredible as a support system. I can only hope that I’ve been just as supportive as they’ve been to me; I’ve tried until I couldn’t anymore.

With how my birthday and New Year’s Day line up, I usually start my goals on the 15th of January. This year’s goals for me are focused on long-term goals. I would like to focus on fitness first. I’d like to be more active. I already know I can’t go to the gym. Working out around a lot of people isn’t for me. I don’t enjoy going to a place to get all sweaty. I’d rather do it in my space. I enjoy doing yoga and Pilates now, maybe I’ll revisit kickboxing this Spring. I would like to track what works best for me as well. Along with fitness goes nutrition. You can work out all day, but if you eat like garbage, it won’t do anything. I’d like to try to focus on more plant-based nutrition. I’d also like to focus on my finances. I want to prepare for the future. This not only means saving more money but purchasing better quality things. The better the quality, the longer it lasts. I have a lot of clothes, and luckily I wear all my clothes, so nothing is ever just sitting in the closet collecting dust. I would say maybe 50% of my clothes are from fast fashion. I’d like to wear them until I can’t anymore or transform them into something that I can wear more often. I don’t intend on throwing clothes away until I have to. I’d also love to grow my retirement fund. Inflation is crazy, and you can’t predict the future. I’d like to be prepared.

I’d also love to be more creative. Some of my friends may say I’m too creative right now, but that doesn’t matter. I would love to explore painting and sculpting at some point in the future. Maybe this year I can start with paints. I enjoy making blobs with watercolor (thank you Andrea Nelson!) already so maybe I can go from there. I’d like to also continue to learn. I very much love finding online courses that you can take for free or minimal cost and learn what I can. I strongly believe that education is a never-ending path and that’s what makes it wonderful.

When it comes to this little site, my corner of the internet, I’d like to post more. I like to write, and I started posting here to get better at writing. I think I’ve only succeeded in sounding more formal and robotic though. It’ll be okay; I’ll just keep practicing.

To help me track, organize, and achieve my goals, I’ve been working on planners and journals that I import into GoodNotes. I know a lot of GoodNotes users have been going to other services, and that’s fine, but GoodNotes serves me well for what I need right now. I have a fitness journal and planner, a grocery and meal planner, and a self-care plannerso far. This is what works for me. I usually import them into my general planner so I can fill them out there and keep everything together. I enjoyed working on these, so I might go and make more and maybe add different color and style options.

I’m excited about what this year can be. I’m looking forward to this next decade of my life. I hope your 2024 is amazing as well!

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

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